Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Transition to the Present and Future

I am filled with joy that Dylan comes home this weekend. Plans are for a night of volunteering with friends on Saturday, Genesis and meditation on Sunday morning and old-fashioned ice cream making Sunday in the heat of the day.

In the mean time, Dylan’s trip to Portland (and its divine timing) created a graceful transition of Luke out of our lives without causing Dylan more sadness. Little guy was as shocked and torn up as I was. The truck came and went this weekend and God opened a new door for a dependable, honest, caring man to walk into our lives to love us and let us love him - WHEN we are ready.

Counter balancing the move, my dear friend Robbi provided inspiring entertainment to ensure my focus remained on the present and future- not fantasies of a false past. I can see now that I was wrong about Luke being my life partner and that many good things came from it. As a single mom, I would never have started my business if I didn’t think I had the stable backing of a caring, dependable partner. And I love my business. Melina, Scott and I are doing phenomenal work. We've written $10 million in US Treasury grants with clients from New York to Hawaii. The world can only continue to reward our hard work, vision and talent. Thank God Luke was in my life at the time, so I would have that false sense of security to take the leap of faith to start this business. It really is a miracle. My friend Stacy had tears of pride in her eyes when we talked about the impact our work is having to make the world a better place.

Speaking of miracles, everything my mom, brother and I planted from seed has sprouted. Every single plant is in full bloom in the "garden of goodness." I cooked the first meal from the garden this weekend. It was a fun Sunday, getting filthy dirty and the perfect juxtaposition after attending a Gala event with Robbi on Friday.

On the home front: The shingles are on the house. This was a top priority to protect the exposed insulation. I felt very overwhelmed about all that needed to be done when Luke first left. I’m so grateful that this is off the list. And a generous electrician volunteered to bring the electrical wiring up to code. This also scared the hell out of me. We couldn’t even pass inspection and I didn’t know a darn thing about electricity. Now to figure out how to finish the tiling that has part of the floor exposed. I’m tackling one thing at a time.

For now it’s a good mix of accepting best friend love, reflection and centering, a whole gob of welcome home Dylan hugs and a focus on small tasks to make this house a home again. Ok work and personal development are in the mix too. Robbi and I both registered for the August Landmark Forum Class.

In the end God’s plans are more beautiful and natural than my ideas. There were and continue to be many gifts through this life experience. So I am surrendering .

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