Friday, June 11, 2010

The reason why.

Why are we frustrated with many of our elected officials? (Some say a movement is gaining traction to vote long-term representatives out of office.) Why are so many credit unions struggling to survive? Because they are focused on WHAT they are doing instead of WHY! Loyalty comes when people are inspired by WHY you do what you do. Why creates trust beyond the immediate choice, the immediate law written, the immediate rate or loan product you provide. Why we do it conveys who we are that it is our choice to get up in the morning to be the best we can be. For many of us, the best our legislators can be is not just keeping their job by passing another law or spending more money. The best credit unions can be is not just making another loan. Any bank can do that.

I was contemplating this with Scott about why we get up in the morning excited to go to work everyday, building Credit Union Strategic Planning. Why we do it is because we believe the world is a better place with credit unions creating financial opportunity through the realization of the International Operating Principles. How many credit union's even consider the operating principles in their strategic planning? How can you have a plan that isn't defined by why you exist? 

So it is that we came to the logical conclusion:

"Our goal is not to do business with everyone that needs what we do. Our goal is to do business with credit unions that believe in why we do it." 

And that's why our clients are getting $500,000 grants from Harlem NYC to Hawaii and growing loans by 50 percent in a single year. 

This short, inspiring video provides more insight:

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