Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random Acts of Easy

This video is a sneak peak of JayRay’s most recent consulting work for credit unions. I’m calling the marketing approach, “Be the Difference.” The video demonstrates what credit unions can do to get back to our roots-before spending member money on advertising. Be the difference. Then market the difference. I look forward to consulting to credit unions and speaking at credit union conventions about this topic later this year. The video is more of a story than advertisement. As a busy mom, I love it when Dylan (my eight-year-old son) does the little things that make me feel loved. It really makes a difference in my day when he brings me a cup of coffee in the morning. (Note: Dylan makes a special appearance in the video.) This story is about the random acts of easy, those little things that make all of us, but especially women (the primary financial institution consumer) feel good. This credit union is actually doing all of these things. The marketing roll-out is secondary. If your money is on referrals and skyrocketing member service ratings from exceeding expectations, we should hit Vegas together.

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