Thursday, May 24, 2007

Governor Signs Financial Literacy Bill

This is a great moment for the children of Washington state, including my son Dylan. Thanks to Jump$tart Washington and Washington's credit unions they are one step closer to having financial education in their classrooms.

Personally, this is my first bill signing for legislation I was included in as an active participant instead of a background supporter. My dear friend and mentor Stacy Augustine, Sr. Vice President of the Washington Credit Union League (right of Gov. Gregoire) is the most determined advocate and lobbyist for financial literacy legislation in Washington state. She was recently named the Washington State Association of Executives, Executive of the Year. Cathy Broroson, (left of Governor and me) joined us from Kitsap Credit Union. Cathy is a national leader in the effort to educate credit union leaders about educating young people.

It is an honor to work with these remarkable people on an issue critical to the prosperity of our children and the next generation of Americans. I'm very thankful that my employer JayRay. The president of JayRay, Kurt Jacobson even joined us in Olympia on Jump$tart Washington's first annual legislative day.
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