Wednesday, December 12, 2007

He doesn't know it yet, but we are going to Disney World!

Doesn't Dylan look cute pretending to be Santa? I am so excited for the holidays. The two of us are going to see the Nutcracker at the Pacific Northwest Ballet on Christmas Eve.

My friends at JayRay are taking Dylan's picture and super-imposing it into a photo of Disney World. I'm stuffing the photo into a giant box with tissue paper and wrapping it up. Christmas morning will be like the old, post-Super Bowl commercials.

"Now that you've won the Super Bowl XVI, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Disney World!"

Life is good!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tacoma Art Place

My son Dyaln is really inspired by his volunteer work. I think everyone is inspired by Tacoma Art Place. The idea came from art co-ops we visited in Mali, West Africa.

It's a gift to Tacoma!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Pop culture gets Seattle and Tacoma kids to save 11 percent more

Ok, more organizations should think outside the box like these credit unions. They're inspiring teen savings by actually staying outside of the classroom. Instead they send in a former regulator who uses her old-skool stories about her pink Mohawk and straight talk about compounding interest to motivate savings and improve financial literacy. The crazy best part is that their research is proving that Credit University in high school classrooms succeeds where others fail. Yes, research shows that just in time education sent into schools by most banks is not working.

I think this is pretty cool because:

  • Washington high schools failed national financial literacy test for four years.
  • Seven credit unions created Credit University to address the problem.
  • Testing of 6,500 participants showed an 11 percent increase in teen savings.
  • Credit University measured improvement while other programs show no impact.
  • Credit University is receiving national accolades for improving teen savings.
  • Tacoma and Seattle schools ahead of the curve and have visionary teachers.

Its a cooperative project of seven local not-for-profit credit unions: Qualstar, Group Health, Sound, Watermark, America’s, Seattle Metropolitan and Verity.

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Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have the best bosses in the world!

The president of my company, Kurt, is so wonderful. Today I received an anagram, "I love to see see you rock." As you can see, the "see you" is my preferred "CU."

Isn't the rock fantastic in the word puzzle? Our rocking was about blowing away a credit union member communication project to increase participation in an election. The preliminary results are that double the members voted! ( I love democracy!) I hope my CU friends are also getting flowers, anagrams and smiles. And am I dreaming or am I really lucky enough to have a boss that enjoys seeing employees "rock!" What else can I say? Wow!

My credit unions are lucky too.
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Thursday, August 09, 2007

I'm going to be a C.U.D.E.


It sounds a lot like "dude", but means social responsibility to me. I can't contain my excitement. I'm going to be one.

Being a CUDE is about gaining contemporary perspective on how a cooperative business model of social responsibility, volunteerism and community development makes the world a better place. In my mind,CUDEs are the protectors of the credit union movement and uphold the international operating principles.

"Those who have graduated from DE Training are some of the credit union movement's best and brightest around the world," said Mike Beall, president of the Maryland and District of Columbia Credit Union Association

Currently, there are about 350 CUDEs active in the credit union movement among the 700 who earned the designation since the DE Program was launched in 1982. Of the 202 active CUDEs from individual credit unions, 101 are CEOs, vice presidents, or board members. Another 102 CUDEs represent state and national credit union support organizations.

I feel humbled and honored. Thank you Tom Decker!
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Random Acts of Easy

This video is a sneak peak of JayRay’s most recent consulting work for credit unions. I’m calling the marketing approach, “Be the Difference.” The video demonstrates what credit unions can do to get back to our roots-before spending member money on advertising. Be the difference. Then market the difference. I look forward to consulting to credit unions and speaking at credit union conventions about this topic later this year. The video is more of a story than advertisement. As a busy mom, I love it when Dylan (my eight-year-old son) does the little things that make me feel loved. It really makes a difference in my day when he brings me a cup of coffee in the morning. (Note: Dylan makes a special appearance in the video.) This story is about the random acts of easy, those little things that make all of us, but especially women (the primary financial institution consumer) feel good. This credit union is actually doing all of these things. The marketing roll-out is secondary. If your money is on referrals and skyrocketing member service ratings from exceeding expectations, we should hit Vegas together.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Governor Signs Financial Literacy Bill

This is a great moment for the children of Washington state, including my son Dylan. Thanks to Jump$tart Washington and Washington's credit unions they are one step closer to having financial education in their classrooms.

Personally, this is my first bill signing for legislation I was included in as an active participant instead of a background supporter. My dear friend and mentor Stacy Augustine, Sr. Vice President of the Washington Credit Union League (right of Gov. Gregoire) is the most determined advocate and lobbyist for financial literacy legislation in Washington state. She was recently named the Washington State Association of Executives, Executive of the Year. Cathy Broroson, (left of Governor and me) joined us from Kitsap Credit Union. Cathy is a national leader in the effort to educate credit union leaders about educating young people.

It is an honor to work with these remarkable people on an issue critical to the prosperity of our children and the next generation of Americans. I'm very thankful that my employer JayRay. The president of JayRay, Kurt Jacobson even joined us in Olympia on Jump$tart Washington's first annual legislative day.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Easter on the Beach

This is our (Dylan's and my) family tradition. It was another great year. We were joined by friends from Portland.
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Monday, April 02, 2007

Jon and Jess at the Point

This was taken during a relaxing afternoon motorcycle ride through Point Defiance Park with Jon and Jess.
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Biz Kid$ PBS TV Show

Like the video of Mali, West Africa, I am very proud of this video clip. After meeting the producers of Bill Nye the Science Guy, I introduced BizKid$ to credit unions across the United States to underwrite the production of this program. I deeply believe this program will make a difference in the lives of our children. Credit unions are the natural choice to make this program possible for American families, because credit unions are not-for-profit. Last year credit unions saved American families $11 billion dollars at the same time that banks made the cover of USA Today for being the only industry in the nation more profitable than the oil industry. Now that drills right down to how credit unions are looking out for us! Call your local PBS station to see if BizKid$ will be played in your town.

Mali and Mentor

This is my video footage taken during the trip I took last summer with Linda Danforth, Ruth Clapp and Patrick Hogan to the Here Je Center in Mali, West Africa. As the video shows, the trip and woman we traveled with, Carol Schillios, were inspiring.

Please email me if you would like to send a donation to Carol's project.

Monday, March 05, 2007

All lobbying is not bad

Two weeks ago I joined my fellow board members of Jump$tart Washington in Olympia to educate legislators about the importance of financial literacy.

To learn more about financial literacy visit:

What can we do to help Washington students become smarter about their money?

Start by not just charging gifts for your child and vacations on a credit card. Let them take a role in the family budgeting.

Dylan is making good choices as we are saving for Disney World.
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My cub scout

I am sooo proud of Dylan. He earned his wolf badge last week.
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After all the art projects with Dylan, I started painting this year. This is a Chineese watercolor I did at Christmas. My new project is spring flowers and buds painted on long rice paper sheets that to be hung from the cieling.
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Show You Care

Friends and Family,
Please join Dylan and I this year as we celebrate Earth Day right before Dylan's Birthday, April 28.

Show us you care. Check out Waste Free Gifts:

Much Love,

Jamie and Dylan