Sunday, October 25, 2009

$500,000, Einstein, NYC and a Long Lost Friend

It's my favorite work of art, because it comes to life in person. I haven't visited it in over ten years. It took $500,000 to get there and I arrived at the MET with the man who stole my heart as a boy seventeen years ago in high school.

The art is Autumn Landscape by Louis Comfort Tiffany. The $500,000 is a US Treasury grant Melina, Scott and I (Credit Union Strategic Planning) landed to help immigrants in Harlem to lift themselves out of poverty. Did you know that immigrants are the poorest of the poor in the U.S. for three generations? And my renewed friendship is with one of the finest people I've ever had the pleasure of calling a best friend. Back in high school he bagged groceries at the store and I worked at the restaurant across the street. Back then he was my first crush. Now he is a remarkable father, brother, son, veteran, and more remarkable friend than I could have imagined. We hadn't seen each other for over 15 years- so of course we met up in
NYC (smile). Like me, he works to help people. And our friendship is a gift, like all things in life- even hardships. His sister remarked that the timing of our friendship was good for him. She had no idea of the good timing in my life for a positive male influence to reaffirm my faith in men treating women with respect. We both lifted each other up and that is where happiness comes from: Our way of being.

Everyday my faith (in a loving God) is affirmed by life. It's occurring to me that the spirit of God in us, the way we are made in the likeness of God means that when we create anything in life it is divine. We see this in the inspiring works of art that are created by Tiffany or the feeling of awe from inventing an opportunity to be a positive change agent in the world. I'm also astounded by the story of Jesus having faith to die on the cross for our sins, and it's profound beauty in reflecting the good that can happen in our own lives and the world when we embrace fear and take a leap of faith to turn adversity (Any hardship. See the 911 memorial cross in the picture) into an opportunity for humanity, kindness and love. As I look at the challenges I've faced this last year, and how the circumstances were altered by surrendering to God and choosing faith instead of fear, I see the gift of a graceful and powerful life.

And that is what's going on in life right now. To that end Melina and I offered Scott Butterfield ownership in Credit Union Strategic Planning and the position of CEO. He accepted our offer and we immediately picked up clients in Alaska, California and Louisiana. The word is out that we are saving small credit unions and helping consumers.

And the H1N1 I picked up in Ohio (yup mom and I got really sick) laid me up at my mother's house, just long enough to let her make me homemade chicken noodle soup, for us to love one another and appreciate all the health and happiness we take for granted.

So I'm jumping on a plane from Ohio back to Tacoma tomorrow. Dylan's sock hop is this weekend and I'm certain to have a great time with the kids and my friends Jenny, Karl and Ayana. Life really couldn't be any better- with the exception of maybe getting to spend a week or a month with my Grandma Jeanne. Guess I'll have to come back to Ohio next month. That I will work on until then, Thank you God for all of the blessings in my life..


Bryanflnt said...


After being FB friended I checked out your blog. You are a great writer. So honest and vivid in your words. It is clear that you enjoy life and soak up what it has to offer, even the smallest moments.

Also love the passion you have for your work.

Look forward to hearing more in the virtual FB world and meeting in the no-virtual one as well.


Jamie Chase said...

Thank you for reaching out. I think you are a fab human being and am enjoying getting to know you.


debt consolidation said...

Thanks for being a srarter.......
I read your blog & liked it