Things I dreaded when "D" started elementary school 5 years ago:
1. The PTA
2. PTA Moms (AND DADS)
3. Becoming a PTA mom
Today the words came out of my mouth, “Oooh my two favorite PTA moms,” as I hugged the most sustainable greenest thumb chickadee I know in Tacoma and the associate publisher of the hippest art mag in the city.
I guess Halloween is an appropriate time to officially overcome my fear of PTA moms, though I’ve yet to become one. It was my costume tonight. And I was in good company. Jess, the cowgirl, confessed the key to being a cool PTA mom is throwing the “F-bomb” around occasionally. I laughed, realizing she’s either normal or we’re both abnormal. Either way she’s my kind of PTA mom.
I had a great time posing for our Americana picture with Cowgirl Jess and Politico Nathe at Dylan’s Halloween Sock Hop at Sherman Elementary. My pose throwing a PTA gang sign is to show that I still embrace diversity as a part of Americana, even if I’m following my other sheeple (and friends) to PTA dances. They’re good people to be a sheeple with- and I Fucking love the kids.
It wasn’t scary at all.
yep. I feared the PTA mightily, and then the (male) treasurer approached me and then the PTA pres-to be-- a woman sharing her life with another woman ant teir son-- encouraged me that yes, we CAN change the PTA one F-bomb at a time, god bless...oh, hell. That's so not me. Basically, I wanted to infiltrate that which I feared. I wanted to --I dunno, maybe?-- change it from denim smock-and comfortable-shoe wearing fundamentalists and make it... real. Accessible. All about parents who heart their kids and want to affect a difference. Good thing: our school rocks, and they're way ahead of me.
I heart you, you're awesome. And your sense of humor is wicked forking (hee) cool, too!
Thank you. Thank you. I am laughing. I am grateful for our friendship and wicked humor!
You are going to LA with me, if I have to drag you. It's only two nights.
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