Friday, September 26, 2008

Hey Mom I Skipped a Grade!

Dylan's back in school and it’s a brave new year. They decided to put him and a handful of other 4th graders in an experimental 5th grade classroom. The teacher is very engaging. They choose Dylan not because he achieved the highest test marks, but instead because he shows the greatest aptitude. We are hoping the more mature student will increase Dylan’s self-efficacy (motivation).

Open house was last night. The students put mystery notes on their desks with clues about which desk belonged to each of them.

Dylan’s note was the only one that told the parents, “I love you.”

Guess some of that 5th grade maturity is rubbing off on him already.

Honestly it was the “my favorite toy is Bokugan,” that was clue that tipped us off to Dylan’s Desk. It was an unexpectedly sweet night. Dylan’s dad Brian is backpacking in British Colombia with my brother, Jon, but Brian’s girlfriend Emily came to the open house.

Emily and I were blessed with Dylan’s love for us…and Bokugan

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