Tuesday, January 04, 2011


Tacoma friends if you've never been to a Secret Society of the C.L.A.W. meeting, I highly recommend it.

C.L.A. W. is the Cartoonist's League of Absurd Washingtonians. They meet at Amocat. Their site: http://www.cartoonistsleague.org/

And Morgan Alexander is the best friend a C.L.A.W. could have. Just ask Gary Larson, of the Far Side. He was present for the Great Yearly Ceremony at the Knights of the Pythian Temple yesterday. (Apparently his son didn't have swim practice. Mine did.)

Morgan and I share the same birthday and we are having a birthday party at Amocat together next week. You should come wearing your fez or with a cartoon. (This birthday event is not officially endorsed by CLAW or even remotely related.)

That's all.